Chinese Astrology is one of the oldest divinatory arts in the world. It is rooted in Chinese Mythology and Philosophy. This special section is part of our celebrations of the Year of the Dragon and is supported by Marina Caramez, Chinese Metaphysics consultant.
Enter your date of birth to find out the animal representing your Chinese zodiac sign and its most prominent characteristics according to Chinese tradition:
Cai-cai Publisher's bilingual books have become a reference material for Portuguese-speaking Mandarin students.
'Who Ate My Chestnut?' and 'Can I Borrow Your Tail?' tell Chinese fables through exquisite texts and beautiful illustrations. They are bilingual, with text in Portuguese and Chinese. In other words, they are great for practicing your reading skills and expanding your vocabulary even further.
In the special vocabulary lists of these books, you will find the main words of the stories, so you can learn the characters and then, who knows, read the original version in Chinese!
Students whose native language is Portuguese have long been searching for an online Chinese-Portuguese dictionary that's easily accessible. While this gap hasn't been filled yet, the Bihua team is making efforts to provide as many Portuguese definitions as possible.
So far, we have provided Portuguese definitions for words and characters belonging to HSK levels 1 to 5, as well as those that appear in our vocabulary lists.
Furthermore, the Chinese-English dictionary now presents more comprehensive definitions for each character or word.
Very few Mandarin students have the privilege of having a teacher by their side, 24/7, to guide their strokes when practicing character writing.
Inside Bihua, you can easily and intuitively test whether you already know how to write a hanzi. By switching to the GUIDE mode, you will discover how many strokes are in the hanzi you are practicing. Additionally, you will receive real-time tips to assist you in writing, stroke by stroke.
After practicing in GUIDE mode, you can switch back to the DRAW mode, write the same hanzi, save, and send it to your teacher to evaluate your learning process!
Every Chinese language student has heard of the HSK, the Chinese Proficiency Test (汉语水平考试). More than just a test, HSK serves as a guiding thread for the studies of thousands of people around the world.
Now, Bihua also displays the HSK level to which each character or word belongs, right next to its meaning! As HSK is transitioning from version 2.0 (old) to version 3.0 (new HSK), we have chosen to provide both of these pieces of information to our users.